Would you just forget it?
Maybe l have something to gain
from the answer.
-Did you ever think of that?
-What does it matter?
Let the man speak.
Let the man speak. Speak.
Elvis Presley?
There's the definitive answer.
-Sinatra or Mathis? lt's Presley. Fine.
-You're sick. You're sick.
You feel better? Did you learn something?
You've gone like two steps below
in my book.
Once again....
l guess you're full?
Did l tell you guys that l've got a date
with Carol Heathrow tomorrow night?
You're taking out Carol Heathrow?
No, you're taking her out.
She is death.
l only go for the best.
Heathrow's cold.
She's not a smart girl.
Did you ever talk to her?
You wanna bet she goes for my pecker
on our first date?
The only hand on your pecker
is gonna be your own.
Do you want to bet me?
Do you want to bet me $20?
You got it.
-l'm in.
-Me too.
Yeah, l'm in too,
but we need validation of this.
All right. l'll arrange it.
How? Are you gonna get fingerprints?
l'm tellin' ya, l'm not gonna do the dusting.
-Did you bring your car?
-No, l walked. Yeah, l brought my car.
You're going straight home?
No, l'm going by way of Atlantic City.
What kind of question is that?
'Cause if.... l'll wait for the other guys.
You constantly do this. You walk out
behind me. You stand there--
-Maybe you got plans.
-l have no plans. lt's 4:00 in the morning.
-You want a ride?
-l'll go with you if you want.