Billy. You're in town already.
Yeah, l thought l'd come
and spend the holiday here.
l heard there are a lot of good parties
and stuff.
-You know your parents are out of town?
They're in Florida.
They'll be back for Eddie's wedding.
ls he still sleeping?
What else? lt's only 2:30. Wake him.
l can't wait till he's out of the house.
How you doin', Bill?
-What are you doin'?
-Don't fuck with me.
Still the early riser, huh?
Yeah. Nothin' changes.
-Except you're getting married.
-Yeah. Ain't that a kick?
l thought you weren't coming
until New Year's Eve?
Nothing happening around campus, so....
Did you bring that girl with ya?
No. We broke up.
That's a shame. You know...
...that picture you sent me?
lt looked like she had
a great set of knockers.
-Didn't figure on you and Elyse so soon.
-Yeah, well....
Figured New Year's Eve would be good.
Get married. Party through the night,
you know.
l was pissed off.
l figured you'd at least call me...
...and let me know you were planning it.
Yeah, well, you know.
But you're my best man, right?
What do you think?
Of course l'm your best man.
So, Boogie and the guys picked me up
at the train station.