The rose's thorn scratched you.
It's nothing.
Did you ever catch fireflies?
When I was young,
I used to put them in a bottle...
...and see if I could get enough to read by.
There used to be goldfish here.
-Did you ever catch any?
-No. I wasn't supposed to.
Last winter, we forgot to take them out
and they all froze solid.
That poor cupid.
He looks lost without them.
He looks like he's waiting to be kissed.
He is.
How can you tell?
Well, I can't really.
Ijust know how he feels.
Shrevie, what's going on?
l have no idea.
Would you hold on a second?
You're disgusting.
l know it was really terrible.
lt was horrible, but it was an accident.
An accident?
No, Carol, seriously. lt was an accident.
l swear to God.
An accident. Your thing just got
into a box of popcorn.
Well, damn near that.
Listen, can l be straight with you?
Wait, look. There's a real good reason...
...but it's a little embarrassing to me.