Beth is terrific and everything,
but Jesus, l don't know.
A big part of the problem
when you get married....
When you're dating...
...everything is talkin' about sex, right?
Where can we do it? Why can't we do it?
Are your parents going to be out
so we can do it?
Trying to get a weekend
just so that we can do it.
So you can do it.
Everything is just always talkin'
about getting sex.
And then planning the wedding.
All the details.
Details, shit.
But then, when you get married....
lt's crazy, l don't know.
You can get it whenever you want it.
You wake up in the morning,
and she's there.
And you come home from work,
and she's there.
And so all that sex-planning talk
is over with.
And so is the wedding-planning talk
'cause you're already married.
So, you know, l can come down here
and we can bullshit the whole night away.
But l cannot hold
a five-minute conversation with Beth.
lt's not her fault. l'm not blaming her.
-She's great. lt's....
-No, of course not.
lt's just, we've got nothing to talk about.
But, it's good, it's good.
lt's good?
-lt's nice, right?
-lt's nice.
Well, you've always got the diner.
Yeah. We've always got the diner.
Don't worry about it.
l'm not worried.
Don't back out on me.
l'm not going to back out on you, either.
Unless, of course, she fails the test.
lt's out of my hands.