As we get started with the dissection...
... remember that the things
you are writing down...
TEACHER: Some of the things that you should
look for during the dissection...
...is to locate the heart
and notice that it is still beating.
I'm going to once more emphasize
the similarities...
...of those things which we see...
Similarities with human anatomy.
First of all, here's the heart.
The intestines will be going
through their peristaltic action.
... A-F-P.
That is incorrect.
The correct spelling of nuisance...
... is N-U-I-S-A-N-C-E.
They're pulling us up.
TEACHER: Class, these are the cotton balls
with the chloroform.
As soon as I get them all in,
put the lid on right away.
That's it.
That will start them going to sleep.
They won't feel anything. They won't be hurt.
It'll take a little while.
If you don't want to watch them,
you don't have to.