Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Kids got the beat, yeah
Kids got the beat

Go-go music
really makes us dance

Do the Pony
puts us in a trance

Do the Watusi, just give us a chance
That's when we fall in line

'Cause we got the beat
We got the beat

We got the beat, yeah
We got it

We got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat
Everybody, get on your feet

We got the beat
We know you can dance to the beat

We got the beat
Jump back, get down

'Round and 'round and 'round
We got the beat
Linda, there's that guy
from the stereo store.

- Don't you think
he looks like Richard Gere?
- See his cute little butt?

- You guys, let's talk about
that fox that just walked in.
- We already were.

I'm gonna go over there
and change the shakers.

- Cool out. That's Stacy's section.
- He's too old.

She's not even
in high school yet.

Smoking's upstairs to your left.
Smoking's upstairs to your left.
Smoking's upstairs.
Rat, is Dolly Parton giving you
a percentage of the profit?

What can I do for you, gentlemen?
You the guy with
the Van Halen tickets?

That could be.
How much for something
in the first ten rows?

- Twenty bucks apiece.
- Those tickets were only $12.50.

So don't buy 'em.
All the other scalpers are sold out.
Did you call me a scalper?

Listen, gentlemen, I perform a service
here, and the service costs money.
