Wow! Does he really live here?
I thought he just flew in for games.
Shit! He knows where to come
when he wants some tickets.
Go on. Get outta here.
You're messing up my business.
Come on, Rat.
Let's go get you a woman.
You ready for
your moment of truth?
Damone, I noticed I was starting
to get a pimple this morning...
Rat, the shyness routine
is really starting to aggravate me.
I mean, who is she, anyway?
She's a waitress in a pizza parlor.
Look at her. Look at you.
A member of the Honor Roll.
Assistant to the assistant manager
of the movie theater.
Rat, if this girl
can't smell your qualifications,
then who needs her, right?
- Right.
- All right. How do you feel?
- I feel good.
- Do ya? All right.
Now stop fucking around
and go get her.
Hey, Rat, you gotta ace that jacket.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. All right, that's cool.
You look good. All right?
Go get her.
$1.10, and you get five cents back.
- Hi! Don't I know you
from biology class?
- Yeah!
- What can I do for you?
- I had a couple of questions.
I was curious.
What do you do with the
jackets people leave here?
- We keep 'em.
- You keep 'em?
In case they come back.
You can look through it if you want.
No, that's cool. It would take
too long to look through all that.
I'll pick up a new one.
What was your other question?
Oh, my other question is...
can I have your phone number
so I can ask you out sometime?
- Do you have a pen?
This one's out of ink.
- Yeah.