Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Love rules
Ohh, love rules
Love rules
Yeah, love rules
- You know, I just thought of something.
- What?

My sister is crazy
when it comes to her car.

- It's gotta be back by 11:00.
- Want to call her?

No. Look, l... She gets crazy.
Her car is her baby.
- I better be going.
- Really?

I'll call you.
Well, I'll see you in class. Okay?

Love rules
- Mark Ratner doesn't like me.
- Mark Ratner doesn't like you?
You're crazy!

No, he shows absolutely
no interest in me.

Mark Ratner is definitely somebody
you'd have to make the first move with.

Linda, I did. I made the first move,
I made the second move.

I made a complete jerk out of myself,
is what I did.

What do you care about
Mark Ratner for?

He's a 16-year-old usher
in the movie theater.

You have dated older guys. You work
at the best food stand in the mall.

And you are a close
personal friend of mine.

Yeah. But I was really
beginning to like him.

Yeah? If that's true,
you better find somebody else fast.

- Seen the new Playboy?
- Good?
