...his thought impulses guide
a missile to that threat.
This amounts to a two- to three-second
speed advantage...
...in reaction and attack time over
any defensive system we have today.
If the Soviets can mass-produce it...
...it would change
the structure of our world.
We at the S.I.S. Have been working...
...on the pipeline into Moscow
and on to Bilyarsk, for two years.
The mechanics of that phase are ready.
Your Navy's phase of the operation
can be functional within 30 days.
Am I correct on that, admiral?
That is correct, sir.
How do they expect me to fly?
You've seen me.
We're not worried.
We have three months to train you.
Getting you there is the problem.
Oh? Where is it?
You've got to steal it.
- I don't mount an operation this way.
- We didn't expect you to be happy.
We know his health record.
His mother is Russian.
He speaks the language...
...and is the same size as Voskov, who
the suit and cockpit are fitted for.
You mean this is reduced to
the decision that he fits the suit?
You want me to risk resources...
...for somebody who's never
been on an intelligence mission...
...who's subject to seizures.
Delayed stress syndrome
is common among our vets.
It manifests itself in civilian life,
not battle conditions.
- This is suicide.
- That's exactly why it'll work.
It's too unthinkable for
them to ever defend.
We'll get you on that plane.
You just have to fly it.
- You guys are amazing.
- We need you, major.
- You're the best we've got.
- Lots of guys could fly that plane.