At the moment I'm trying my luck as
as ice producer, to make money.
Here, all people want. . .
. . .for their money are the
big names from Europe.
Sarah Bernhardt, an actress
who can't even sing.
But her wooden leg is
the talk of the town.
The ice, ah, I mean. . .
I'm doing all this because
I have one dream. . .
. . .the opera.
The Great Opera in the Jungle!
Fitzcarraldo will build it and
Caruso will sing at the premiere.
It's only the dreamers
who ever move mountains.
For five years now we've been
the richest town in the whole world.
It's like gold fever.
May I show you the house?
When this opera was built
there were only a few huts here.
The building was practically in the jungle.
Prices are ten times higher here
than in New York.
There are palaces being built with
tiles from Delft and Florentine marble.
And lquitos is catching up.
It's still a filthy frontier town. . .
. . .but the rubber business is growing
by leaps and bounds.
The better-off citizens in Manaus,
if I may put it like that. . .
. . .send their laundry to Lisbon. . .
. . .because the water in the Amazon
is felt to be impure.