I can't breathe.
The document, please.
Thank you.
The act of territorial acquisition
is done step by step.
You and your partner sign,
you pay the money. . .
. . .and I will complete the document
with my signature.
Before you sign, I'd like to direct
your attention to the option clause.
What option clause?
Through its executive organs, the
Peruvian government is insistent. . .
. . .with no exceptions, that a region of
this size be taken into possession. . .
. . .by deed and by proof
within nine months.
You will have to prove that real
operational steps. . .
. . .have been taken
to exploit the region.
Otherwise your right of exploitation
will be terminated.
The point is that the state is
concerned that areas such as this. . .
. . .are productively used by
competent men of business. . .
. . .so that they--
Come on, we are wasting time.
May I ask you a question
of a personal nature?
Do you really know what you're doing?
We're gonna do what
nobody's ever done.
We're going to be very, very rich.
Please, sir, sign on the dotted line.