I will use the courts.
You'll cause a lot of trouble.
Our position is--
We are members of the Empire.
And we come from
an ancient civilization.
Why should we not walk on
the pavements like other men?
I rather like the idea of
an Indian barrister in South Africa.
I'm sure our community could
keep you in work for some time...
...even if you caused
a good deal of trouble.
Especially if you caused
a good deal of trouble.
There's the English reporter.
I told you he'd come.
You also said your article
would draw a thousand people.
At least some of the Hindus
brought their wives.
No, I asked my wife
to organize that.
Some of them are leaving.
" Ladies and gentlemen:
We have asked you to gather here
to help us proclaim our right...
...to be treated as equal citizens
of the Empire.
We do not seek conflict.
We know the strength of
the forces arrayed against us...
...know that because of them,
we can only use peaceful means.
But we are determined
that justice will be done.
The symbol of our status
is embodied in this pass...
...which we must carry
at all times...
...but which no European
even has to have.
The first step towards
changing our status...
...is to eliminate
this difference between us."