Let me go!
Let me go!
The London papers have
arrived from the Cape.
The worst was the Daily Mail.
They said the burning of passes--
-Ask Mr. Herzog to see me.
---was the most significant act...
...in colonial affairs since
the Declaration of Independence.
They'll find we're better
prepared this time.
Mr. Gandhi will find
he's on a long hiding to nothing.
"A High Court judge confirmed
that Mr. Gandhi...
...would've been within his rights
to prosecute for assault...
...since neither he nor Mr. Khan
resisted arrest."
I told you about English law.
As I told you about English policemen.
We're very pleased
to have you back, Papa.
And I am glad to be back.
Mind your face.
Tomorrow I'll tell you about
my days in a police hospital.
Come, come.
Just like proper English gentlemen.
I'm proud of them.