What Mr. Gandhi has forced us to do...
...is ask questions about ourselves.
As Christians, those are
difficult questions to answer.
How do we treat men
who defy an unjust law...
...who will not fight...
...but will not comply?
As Christians, or as people
who have not heard the word--
They're sparing no one, I see.
No, you were the surprise.
It has been all over the prison.
We thought they'd be too afraid
of the English press.
So did I.
I don't know who they've
left out there to do the work.
Have they touched the women?
My wife publicly defied the law.
They've arrested her and four others.
It split the government.
Well, that's one victory.
If we hold firm,
it won't be the last.
Don't worry.
I've never seen men so determined.
You have given them a way to fight.
I want Gandhi!
Which Sammy is it?