Mr. Gandhi.
I thought we might have
a little talk.
Thank you, Daniels.
Will you have a glass of sherry?
Thank you, no.
Perhaps some tea?
I dined at the prison.
Please, do come and sit down.
I've more or less decided to ask
the House to repeal the act...
...that you have taken
such exception to.
Well, if you asked, General Smuts,
I'm sure it will be done.
It's not quite that simple.
Somehow, I expected not.
I thought of calling for
a royal commission...
...to investigate the new legislation.
I think I could guarantee they would
recommend the act be repealed.
I congratulate them.
But they might also recommend...
...that all future Indian immigration
be severely restricted...
...even stopped.
Immigration was not an issue
on which we fought.
It would be wrong of us
to make it one, now that we....
We are in a position of advantage.