If I may...
...l, for one, have never
advocated passive anything.
I'm with Mr. Jinnah.
We must never submit to such laws...
And I think our resistance must be
active and provocative.
May I?
I want to embarrass all those
who wish to treat us as slaves.
Thank you.
All of them.
-Forgive my stupid illustration.
-Allow me.
No, please.
But I want to change their minds...
...not kill them
for weaknesses we all possess.
And what resistance would you offer?
The law is due
to take effect from April 6.
I want to call upon the nation...
...to make that a day of
prayer and fasting.
A general strike?
I mean a day of prayer and fasting.
Of course, no work could be done.
No buses.
No trains.
No factories.
No administration.
The country would stop.
My God, it would terrify them!
350 million people at prayer?
Even the English newspapers
would have to report that...
...and explain why.
-But could we get people to do it?
-Why not?
Champaran stirred the whole country.
Thank you.
They're calling you "Mahatma."
"Great Soul."
Fortunately, such news comes
very slowly to where I live.
I think if we all worked
to publicize it...
...all of congress...
...every avenue we know....