We're hardly an alien power.
Even if His Majesty could waive
all other considerations...
...he has a duty to the millions
of his Muslim subjects...
...who are a minority in this realm.
And experience suggests
that his troops...
...and his administration
are essential...
...in order to secure the peace.
All nations contain
religious minorities.
Like other countries,
ours will have its problems.
But they will be ours...
...not yours.
How do you propose
to make them yours?
You don't think we're just
going to walk out of India.
In the end...
...you will walk out...
...because 100,000 Englishmen
simply cannot control...
...350 million Indians
if those Indians refuse...
...to cooperate.
And that is what
we intend to achieve.
Peaceful, nonviolent
...till you yourself
see the wisdom of leaving...
...Your Excellency.
I said to him, "You don't
expect us just to walk out."
And he said, "Yes."
What an extraordinary little man,
isn't he?
"Nonviolence, noncooperation."
For a moment, I was afraid they were
actually going to do something.
Yes, but I think it would be wise
to be very cautious for a time.
The Antiterrorist Act
will remain on the statutes...
...but on no account
is Gandhi to be arrested.
Whatever mischief he causes...
...I have no intention
of making a martyr of him.
But now something worse is happening.
When Gandhiji and I were growing up...
...women wove their own cloth.