Now it's all over the world.
India's "nonviolence."
What can we do?
We must end the campaign.
After what they did at the massacre?
It's only an eye for an eye.
An eye for an eye only ends up
making the whole world blind.
Do you know the sacrifices
people have made?
We'd never get the same
commitment again, ever.
The whole of India is on the move!
Yes, but in what direction?
If we obtain our freedom by murder and
bloodshed, I want no part of it.
You are the father of the nation.
Today, I see no ground in that
for anything but shame.
This was one incident.
Tell that to the families of
the policemen who died.
The whole nation is marching.
They wouldn't stop,
even if we asked them to.
I will ask.
And I will fast as a penance
for my part in arousing such emotions.
And I will not stop until they stop.
God! You can be sure
the British won't censor that.
They'll put it on every street corner.
People are aroused.
They won't stop!
If I die, perhaps they will stop.