Nevertheless, it is my duty
to sentence you...
...to six years' imprisonment.
lf, however, His Majesty's government
should, at some later date...
...see fit to reduce the term...
...no one will be
better pleased than I.
Yes, I'm sure that's exactly
what they hoped:
Put him in prison a few years.
With luck, he'd be forgotten.
Maybe they could even subdue him.
Well, he certainly wasn't forgotten.
And as soon as he got out,
he was back, tramping the countryside...
...preaching nonviolence and
demanding a free India.
Everyone knows
another showdown's coming.
How does an American journalist
in Central America...
...learn that Gandhi was born
in Porbandar anyway?
I've been aware of him
for a long time.
He certainly makes good copy.
The other day, Winston Churchill
called him a half-naked Indian fakir.
I met him once.
-What, you mean Gandhi?
South Africa, a long time ago.
I wonder if he'll recognize me.
What was he like?
He had a full head of hair then.
We were a bit like college students,
trying to figure everything out.
Well, he must have found
some of the answers.