I've come here to think about it.
Do you remember much
of South Africa?
Oh, yes. A great deal.
I've travelled so far...
...and thought so much.
As you can see,
my city is a sea city.
Always full of Hindus...
...Sikhs, Jews, Persians.
My family's sect was the Pranami.
Hindu, of course.
But in our temple,
the priest used to read...
...from the Muslim Koran...
...and the Hindu Gita,
moving from one to the other...
...as if it mattered not
which book was read...
...as long as God was worshipped.
When I was a boy...
...I used to sing a song
in the temple.
A true disciple
Knows another"s woes
As his own
He bows to all...
...and despises none.
Like all other boys...
...I sang the words...
...not thinking what they meant
or how they might influence me.
I've travelled so far.
And all I've done is come back...
Wait a minute.
You know what you're going to do,
don't you?
It would have been uncivil of me...
...to let you make
such a long trip for nothing.
-Where are you going?