Bapu has always said...
...there were two kinds
of slavery in India:
One for women,
one for the untouchables.
And he has always fought against both.
Does it rankle,
being separated in this way?
In Hindu philosophy...
...the way to God...
...is to free yourself
of possessions...
...and of passions.
Bapu has always struggled
to find the way to God.
Do you mean that
he gave up married life?
Four times he tried...
...and failed.
But then he took a solemn vow.
And he's never broken it?
Not yet.
-I've got permission to move her.
-I'm very sorry, sir.
She's had a massive thrombosis.
It's a serious heart attack.
She'll never survive the trip.
It's better if we just
keep her here and hope.