To assist at the birth of
an independent India...
...and to welcome her
as an equal member...
...in the British Commonwealth
of Nations.
I am here to see that I am
the last British viceroy...
...ever to have the honour
of such a reception.
I am not concerned about
the independence of India.
I'm concerned about
the slavery of Muslims.
Please, Mr. Jinnah.
I won't watch the mastery
of the British...
...replaced by
the mastery of the Hindus.
Muslim and Hindu are the right
and left eye of India.
No one will be master, no one slave.
The world is not made of
Mahatma Ghandis.
I'm talking about the real world.
-How the--
-The real India has...
...Muslims and Hindus
in every village and every city.
How will you separate them?
Where there is a Muslim majority...
...that will be Pakistan.
The rest is your India.
My dear Jinnah...
...the Muslims are in a majority
on two different sides of the country.
Let us worry about Pakistan.
You worry about India.
...I think perhaps
we should recommence.
Death to Jinnah!
Death to Jinnah!