Oh, my hair!
- Excuse me. Let me through.
- What are you doing?
- Watch it!
- Nerd!
- Michael?
- Frenchy?
Hello. Hi. Thanks for meeting me.
When your cousin Sandy
said you were coming to America,
I said, "Any cousin of yours
is a cousin of mine."
- She said you'd know the ropes.
- Ropes are my specialty.
I dropped out of Rydell
to go to beauty school,
but flunked Tinting
when my hair turned pink.
The Pink Ladies pledge to act cool
To look cool and to be cool
'Til death do us part
Think Pink!
Hi, guys.
Your mother!
But now the most important thing
in my life is skin care.
- So tinting's out and skin care's in.
- That's why l'm back at Rydell.
To get my Chemistry
so l can mix my own cosmetics.
Makes sense.
I got my books together
and l dragged my feet
And then l saw this angel
Boppin' down the street
I said, "Hey, pretty baby,
how's about a date?"
She said, "l'm goin' to school
and l can't be late... "
Hey, basketball. You caught it!
How tall are you? Never mind.
We'll put high heels on
your sneakers and make you centre.
Go catch that! Oh, boy!
Basketball, basketball!