It's very simple, but yet very important.
Now, what is the best time of the month
for a woman to conceive?
- What's "conceive"?
- You know, to be fertile.
- What's the best time?
- Ask Nogerelli.
- Mr Nogerelli?
- Ask Goose.
- Mr Goose?
- Ask Dimucci.
- Mr Dimucci?
- What?
Conceive. What is the best time?
At night?
I can see that we're not getting very far.
I got the same problem.
- Morning, everybody.
- Good morning.
Good morning, Mr Stuart.
- Let's start at the beginning. Page one.
- Open your book.
- "Where do babies come from?"
- If you need me, l'll be right over here.
Do we need this for the exam?
The parts of a flower
are so constructed that
Very, very often
the wind will cause pollination
Ifnot, then a bee or any other
nectar-gathering creature
Can create the same situation
Yes, anything that gets the pollen
to the pistil's right on the list
I'll try to make it crystal clear
A flower's insatiable passion
turns its life into a circus of debauchery