Well ... that was a hot fire. But there would have to be
some bone fragments or teeth or something.
I've got nothing here to indicate,
there was ever body at all.
Just ashes and car parts.
How about you?
Listen Teddy. Do me another favor.
Will you find out everything you can about Conal Cochran?
He runs Silver Shamrock,
the Halloween mask people.
Conal Cochran.
All right, but this is gonna cost you
some serious dinners when you get back.
I'm always ready for dinner with you.
Liar. Bye.
Oh, there must be some mistake, dearie.
Mr. Grimbridge himself picked up that order on the 21 st.
Here's his signature.
Thank you.
Do you remember that transaction?
No ... but you can talk
to someone who might.
Oh, Red ...
these people lost an order.
Did you load this one?
Sure did. Last week. A man
in an old green station wagon.
That's right. Did he say
where he was going?
No, ma'am. Headed out to
the north. I remember that.
Thank you.
Would you care to make another order, madam?
- No. Let's go.