Jesus, Ryan.
- James Francis Xavier Ryan.
- Himself.
Look at you, kid,
you're whiter than I am.
- Clean living.
- You still a lunger?
Sure. Almost, anyway.
- Thirsty?
- Always.
I looked at this while I was waiting.
Except her name wasn't Sue Alabama,
it was Betty Philadelphia,
and I did marry her, worse luck.
- You ever hear from her?
- You ever hear from yours?
- Let me ask you a literary question.
- Sure.
I'll be sitting around
with nothing to do
and I'll pick up one of those pulp rags
just to see if you got a story in it.
When you do,
it's usually about this tough old bird
who's about two and a half hops
ahead of everybody else.
How come he hasn't got a name?
Are names hard to write?
Shoot, I can write names.
Foxfire McCabe,
Bitsy Glass, Joe Pickles.
- You think he's you, right?
- I know he is.
He goes around
doing everything I used to do.