
Hi, neighbor.
Can you spare a cup of booze?

Hello, Kit. I'm all out.
Oh, sorry.
I didn't know you had company.

- Miss Conger, Mr. Ryan.
- How are you?

Kit's a librarian downtown.
We were just going out to mail this.

- I'll bring you back some booze.
- Okay, let me give you the money.

So where are you from, Mr. Ryan?
Baltimore, Birmingham, Butte,
you name it.

- Any place that begins with a B.
- I left out Biloxi.

Your new story
set in any of those places, Sam?

- Yeah, maybe, maybe not.
- Sounded like Baltimore to me.

- Did you make a carbon?
- No.

One of these days...
Is that what you wear to the library?
That's what I wear underneath
what I wear to the library.

- You've never seen any before?
- Couple of times, maybe three.

Four, counting the redheaded
contortionist from Yakima.

- Cute dish.
- Yeah, very.

- I hear you left Pinkerton's.
- Yeah, three or four years ago.

Long hours, short dough.
Any money in the writing racket?

- Penny a word.
- Write a million words, you'd be set.

- Like War and Peace.
- Bring you back some gin.

Gin's for old ladies. Make it Scotch.
Christ, you're sure looking flush.
Somewhere between
a bootlegger and a banker.

I've got my own little agency
up in Tacoma now.

A lot of divorces in Tacoma.
No wonder.
Hell, it rains 350 days of the year.

What's your town like, anyway,
free and easy?

- Yeah, more so than most.
- Who runs things?

Same people
who run things everywhere.

The cops, the crooks
and the big rich, huh?

Who else?
