That's a great cover, kid,
the newspaper. I really like that.
I knew a guy once who used
to disguise himself as a fire hydrant.
Of course, he did have
a small problem with the dogs.
Tell you what, I'm going home now
to get some shuteye.
Why don't you skip the shoeshine
and take a taxi.
There's a swell doorway
across from my place
and you can stand there
all night long.
- Bring a good book with you.
- Better get your picture took, creep.
Your mama won't know you
when I'm finished with you.
See you later, kid.
By the way,
your paper's upside down.
Luck's got nothing to do with it, Pop,
- Hello, Sam.
- Hello, Mike. How's Crystal?
Great. They named the baby
after you: Samantha.
Well, drink up, Sam.
Skip the gutter.
Ain't you gonna ask me
about your latest?
It just come in this morning.
- That sure is fine work, Samuel.
- Glad you liked it, Pop.
Sam, Sam, Sam.
Foley would win
on that deadbeat straight.
Put your money on Mickey Walker.
- That's a sucker bet, Mike.
- They're laying 8-5.
- Smart money's on Pulaski.
- How much do you want?
- I'll go 50 on Pulaski.
- You got it, Sam.
Oh, you scratched.
All right, let's see what you can do.
Man, it's okay.
What are you trying to pull?
Nobody messes with me like that.
You just made your big mistake.
I'm gonna fix you, sucker.
I said,
"We'll get them both something."