Crystal Ling, right?
Do you always leave
your door unlocked, Mr. Hammett?
Why not? Nothing of value.
- You never know who will come in.
- I guess not.
While waiting for you here,
I felt so safe.
It's such a masculine place.
Safe from what?
Your friend, Mr. Ryan.
What do you know
about me and Ryan?
You and he were in Chinatown
last night.
Nothing there goes unobserved.
Would you tell your Mr. Ryan
to stop looking for me?
I am not lost.
What about a guy named Salt?
Gary Salt.
He also seemed to think
you're either lost or strayed.
He's a evil little man.
He's corrupt.
He is worse than Fong Wei Tau.
No, that is not true.
No one is worse than Fong,
not even Salt.
So why come to me?
In Chinatown,
you are known as a kind man,
a just man.
I came because I need a safe place
to stay for a few hours,
no more than eight.
I need a haven.
If you could help me,
- I would...
- Do what?
Anything. Anything what you want.
Yeah, I bet you would, at that.
First you're gonna have to do
something for me.
After all,
I am a kind man, a just man.