Ain't been back there for 45 years.
Was born there,
and that's where I wanna die.
I can give you maybe $30.
Can you drive a car?
Never learned how...
and I'm too old to start now.
Was always good with mules, though.
Rode one from Tennessee,
in fact, back in 1893.
- That was...
- How about some more coffee?
No, thanks.
I'd better go to bed.
God damn it, either tune that thing,
or stop playing it!
I don't know how.
Bring it on in here!
Give me that.
I'll show you how to tune this thing
only one time...
so you will pay attention, you hear?
You hold this "E" string down here
at the fifth fret.
What're you staring at?
Is there something peculiar about
the way I look?
Get out of here! Standing around here,
staring at me like I'm a freak!
Get out of here! Beat it!
Get away from me.
Listen, honey, it's not your fault.
It's the sickness
that makes him talk like that.
You can't blame him.
It's not his fault, either.