Never pull fun at a nigger
A Spic or a Wop or a Kraut
And never poke fun at a...
Michelangelo to see you, your Holiness.
Michelangelo, the famous renaissance
artist whose best known works
include the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,
and the celebrated statue of David.
Ah. Very well...
In 1514 he returned to Florence and de...
All right, that's enough, that's enough,
they've got it now!
Good evening, your Holiness.
Evening, Michelangelo. I want to have a word with
you about this painting of yours, "The Last Supper."
Oh, yeah?
I'm not happy about it.
Oh, dear. It took me hours.
Not happy at all.
Is it the jello you don't like?
Ah, no, I know, they do have a bit of colour,
don't they? Oh, I know, you don't like the kangaroo?
What kangaroo?
No problem, I'll paint him out.
I never saw a kangaroo!
Uuh...he's right in the back. I'll paint him out!
No sweat, I'll make him into a disciple.
All right?
That's the problem.
What is?
The disciples.
Are they too Jewish?
I made Judas the most Jewish.
No, it's just that there are
twenty-eight of them.
Oh, well, another one will never matter,
I'll make the kangaroo into another one.
No, that's not the point.
All right. Well, I'll lose the kangaroo.
Be honest, I wasn't perfectly happy with it.
That's not the point. There are twenty-eight disciples!
Too many?
Well, of course it's too many!
Yeah, I know that, but I wanted to give
the impression of a real last supper.