Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl

...they're off!
Nietzsche and Hegel there, Karl Jaspers
number 7 on the outside,

Wittgenstein there with him. There's
Beckenbauer, Schelling's in there,

Heidegger covering, Schopenhauer. And now it's
the Greeks. Epikuros, Plotinus number six,

Aristotle, Empedokles of Acraga,
and Demokrites with him.

There's Archimedes, Socrates, there he is, Socrates,
Socrates there going through... There's the ball, there's the ball!

We'll be bringing you back to this exciting
contest the moment anything interesting happens.

Very passable, this, eh? Very passable.
Nothing like a good glass of
Château de Chasselet, eh, Josiah?

Oh, you're right there, Obadiah.
Who would have thought, thirty years ago, we'd
all be sitting here drinking Château de Chaselet, eh?

Them days we were glad to have
the price of a cup of tea.

Ay! A cup of cold tea!
Without milk or sugar!
Or tea!
In a cracked cup and all.
Oh, we never used to have a cup! We used
to have to drink out of a rolled-up newspaper!

The best we could manage was to
suck on a piece of damp cloth.

But you know, we were happy in
those days, although we were poor.

Because we were poor!
My old dad used to say to me:
"Money doesn't bring you happiness, son!"

He was right!
I was happier then and I had nothing!
We used to live in this

tiny old tumble-down house with
great big holes in the roof.

House! You were lucky to live in a house!
We used to live in one room,

all twenty-six of us, no furniture,
half the floor was missing,

we were all huddled together in
one corner for fear of falling.

You were lucky to have a room! We used
to have to live in the corridor!

Oh, we used to dream of living in a corridor!
Would have been a palace to us!
