Bontinentals with their international
luxury modern roomettes...
...and swimming pools full of draught
Red Barrel and fat German businessmen
pretending to be acrobats and forming
pyramids and frightening the children and...
...barging into the queues.
And if you're not at your table...
...spot on seven you miss your bowl
of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup,
the first item in the menu of
International Cuisine.
Absolutely. Now what we have here is...
Every Thursday night there's bloody
cabaret in the bar featuring some tiny,
emaciated dago with nine-inch hips
and some fat bloated tart with her hair
Brylcremed down and big arse
presenting Flamenco for Foreigners.
Will you be quiet, please?
And adenoidal typists from Birmingham
with flabby white legs...
Will you be quiet?
...and diarrhea trying to pick up hairy,
bandy-legged, wop waiters called Manuel.
Be-be quiet!
And once a week there's an excursion
to local Roman remains,
where you can buy cherryade and melted ice cream...
Will you be quiet?
...and bleedin' Watney's Red Barrel.
Shut up!
And one night they take you to a typical
restaurant with local...
Shut up!
...atmosphere and color and you sit next to a...
Shut up!
...party of people from Rhyl who keep singing
"I love the Costa Brava!"
Shut up!
"I love the Costa Brava!" And you get
cornered by some drunken greengrocer
from Luton with an Instamatic camera and
last Tuesday's Daily Express...
Please be quiet! This is the last time...
...and he drones on and on and on about how
Ian Smith should be running the country
and how many languages Margaret Powell can speak
and then she throws up all over the cuba libres.
And spending four days on the
tarmac at Luton Airport
on a five-day package tour with nothing to eat
but dry British Airways-type sandwiches.
Shut up! Please shut up!
And you can't even get a glass of Watney's
Red Barrel because you're still in England
and the bloody bar closes every
time you're thirsty.
And the kids are crying and vomiting
and breaking the plastic ashtrays.
They keep telling you it'll only be another hour,
but you know damn well your plane is still in Iceland,
and has to come back and take a party of...
Shut up!...take a party of Swedes to Yugoslavia,
before it can load you up at 3 a.m.
in the morning. And then you
sit on the tarmac for four hours
because of unforeseen difficulties,
i.e. the permanent strike of air
traffic control over Paris.
When you finally get to Malaga airport,
everybody's queueing for the bloody toilet,
and queueing for the bloody armed customs
officers, and queueing for
the bloody bus that isn't there, waiting to take
you to the hotel that hasn't yet been built.
When you finally get to the half-built
Algerian ruin called the Hotel del Sol,