Good night.
Good night.
Okay, lights out.
Closet light! Closet light!
My fault, my fault.
Turn it on, Mommy!
That enough?
-Good night, Ma.
'Night, Mommy.
Good night.
Either I'm dead or I'm crazy.
Well, you're not crazy, Pete.
-You mean I'm dead?
You mean I....
This is for good?
-You guessed it.
Nocturnal somnambulism.
You know what?
I will bet you anything it's genetic.
I mean, Carol Anne last night,
and all last week, you know.
And me when I was ten.
-Would you deal with this for me?
You know....
You know, once I slept-walked four blocks.
And I fell asleep in the back
of this guy's car.
He drove all the way to work
before discovering me.
God, I woke up, I started screaming.
People came running from everywhere.
They called the cops. The cops came.
They took this poor dude downtown.
-My father...
Big Ed has me examined for bruises
and hickeys. You name it.