And you're getting pulled along and....
-Hi, Ben.
-Mr. Tuthill. Hi.
If you're having problems with your set....
-That's not it.
It's nothing like that.
Diane and I were just wondering....
This will sound strange coming from me....
I doubt that.
-Those mosquitoes are something else.
-They're really chowing down.
I've never been bothered by them.
In fact, I don't think
I've ever been bitten by one.
As far as I know, nobody in my family's
ever been affected by them.
-A mosquito ever suck on you, Son?
-I don't know, Dad.
He don't know.
Look, Mr. Tuthill....
-I'm really sorry.
Mr. Tuthill, look....
We were just....
What we were wondering is....
Look. Diane, my wife,
and I were wondering....
Ben, something funny
is going on here next door.
We were wondering if maybe you had
experienced any disturbances lately.
What kind of disturbances?
You know...
...dishes or furniture moving around
by themselves.
Don't scratch them. You'll infect them.
-Just let me put this on.
Boy, did I feel like a fool.
I'm sorry, but I had to say it.
We were losing pints of blood.
We'll keep this thing in the family.
-Don't scratch.
-Tomorrow, I'll call somebody in.
Yeah? Who, for instance?
I looked in the yellow pages.
Furniture movers, we got.
Strange phenomenon, no listing.
One, 1,000, two, 1,000, three, 1,000...
...four, 1,000, five, 1,000....
Honey, look....
I'm the one who had to live
with this freaky thing...
...and nothing bad happened.