It's always getting stuck
Above all,
I'd like to know...
...if my husband's been informed.
You see, I haven't done anything
You've definitely got me mixed up
with someone else
You know how it is.
You don't know who to look for...
...what the surname is or who it is
Yeah, so tell me now about yourself
But about what specifically?
Well, I don't think you want to hear me
talk about the boys I kissed at school
Why not?
Go on, talk
But about what?
About kissing at school
Look, maybe you could
really tell me what's going on
I haven't done anything.
I'd really like to help you but...
I don't know.
I've been kept here for so long
No one wants to talk with me.
No one has explained anything...
This really is a waste of time
Don't worry. There's plenty of time
Don't you believe that
I haven't done anything?
- Sorry
- It's OK
One thing at a time.
Just like confession in church
He had red hair and a big nose
- You're interested in that?
- Yes
- The one I kissed
- Did you kiss him or did he kiss you?
What does it matter?
- When did you lose your virginity?
- A long time ago
Why do you need to know? What has
it got to do with me being arrested?
- Who was it?
- Who? Oh, that one. An insurgent
- Is he alive?
- No
He died from that poisoned homemade
vodka which the Germans left
- Did he rape you?
- Why would he have raped me?
I wanted it as much as he did
You like those kind of things, don't you?
And you don't?