- I have your word?
- You have my word
But I warn you
that this is a matter of public interest
Olcha has been unmasked
by the security services
He's charged with
the most serious of crimes
Betrayal of his country. Spying for
Western countries - sabotage
- Kaz?
- Oh, yes
But that's impossible
- You'd think so
- But that really is impossible
He was arrested
with all his accomplices
Right! How did the plot begin?
But I'm telling you, there was no plot
We are dealing with a plot
when three people are talking in a room
When a fourth person comes in they go
quiet so those three are part of a plot
But nobody went quiet
when I entered a room
You too were part of a plot.
The same one as Olcha
What plot?
We were just a group of friends
We met up, drank vodka, told jokes.
Don't you have friends like that?
Anyway, if you'd known Kaz
you would understand that...
...he was just a cheerful, lovely guy
who loved life, drinking vodka, girls
And above all he's my friend
You call someone who betrays
their country a friend?
- I believe him more than you
- That's why you should be shot!
That's not everything. You took part
in the destruction of army buildings
What buildings?
Have you forgotten about the incident
at the training ground in Ostroda?
- Who told you about that?
- Do you admit to that or not?
Was it Witkowska?
I was just telling a story in the cell
I just made it up -
a funny story to cheer things up a bit
We have cast iron evidence