That sailor got his throat slit?
Yeah. Nobody knows
who killed him.
Did you know him, Querelle?
Yeah. We all know each other.
I didn't know him well.
There is a masculine passivity...
which is expressed...
in the indifference
towards courtship...
the completely relaxed...
anticipation of the body...
concerning his role...
in the taking or giving of passion.
Want to shoot dice?
7 orders, 14 pays
and 21 's gotta drink, okay?
- Want to play too, Querelle?
- Sure, why not?
Stop the fighting!
Stop the fighting!
Between such men,
and for them alone...
a universe is established from which
the idea of woman is banished.
The absence of woman
forces the two males...
to draw a little femininity
from within each other...