What was that?
...fight with all our might...
against the war treaties
of the Eisenhower government
andAdenauer's allies.
Is she attractive?
Did you say something?
1951, 1950, 1949.
I told you, her best time
was during the war, with UFA.
She had something going on
with Goebbels, I think.
Goebbels barred her from acting.
- Nonsense.
She was his protégée.
She made one movie after another.
But after the war
she claimed the opposite,
and the culture vultures
believed her.
Where did you get that from?
- The culture vultures.
- You see. They're blind.
Actors are stupid,
dishonest and vain.
The culture vultures are --
Since when do you talk to them?
I'm interested in the arts.
Bull. What do you want from Voss?
She's no good at soccer.
Maybe I want to go out with her,
for a drink, or--
More like the latter.
She hasn't made a movie
in three years.
You'd make a good pair
at the bar.
You mean she drinks?
All actors drink.
And when they don't have any work,
they hit the bottle.
It's a law of nature.
Her marriage is finished, too.
Is that true, or just gossip?
Another law of nature, my boy: