Why not?
I've always wanted to see
what a movie star's villa is like.
Ex-movie star.
What if she's there?
She won't be there.
Why don't you go there yourself?
You could smell her undies again.
I'm sorry.
I must get to the office.
Work must go on.
And how do things go on with us?
You don't know.
I've been chasing a story.
But not in Kaiserslautern.
We've known each other
a long time, haven't we?
My God.
Don't start with that.
I just wanted to say
I'm on to a story
and that you can trust me.
There's nothing about trust
in your contract.
It says you're responsible
for sports, not movies.
It also says
that in exceptional cases --
Upon prior consultation
with your editor.
That's what I'm doing now.
Don't be so uptight!
It's a story about
aging movie stars, once in the
limelight but now in the shadows.
You know, UFA and all that.
I specifically told you --
For Robert?