Section 14, coordinates: 22/87 /4.
Approaching Neutral Zone,
all systems normal and functioning.
Leaving Section 14 for Section 15.
Stand by. Project parabolic course
to avoid entering Neutral Zone.
Course change projected.
Captain! I'm getting something
on the distress channel.
Imperative! This is the Kobayashi
Maru, 19 periods out of Altair Six.
We have struck a gravitic mine
and have lost all power...
This is the Starship Enterprise.
Can you give us your coordinates?
Enterprise, our position is
Gamma Hydra, Section 10.
In the Neutral Zone.
Hull penetrated, life support
systems failing. Can you assist us?
Data on Kobayashi Maru.
Third class neutronic fuel carrier,
crew of 81. 300 passengers.
Mr Sulu? Plot an intercept course.
May I remind the Captain
that if a Starship enters the Zone...
I'm aware of
my responsibilities, Mister.
Estimating two minutes to intercept.
- Now entering the Neutral Zone.
- Warning. Neutral Zone entered.
We are now in violation of Treaty.
Stand by, Transporter Room,
ready to beam survivors aboard.
Captain! I've lost their signal.
Sensors indicate three Klingon
cruisers, bearing 316 mark 4.
- Closing fast.
- Visual.
Battle stations! Activate shields!
- Shields activated!
- Say we are on a rescue mission.
- They're jamming all frequencies.
- Klingons on attack course...