We're in over our heads.
Mr Sulu! Get us out of here!
Alert! Klingon torpedoes activated.
Evasive action!
- Engineering! Damage report!
- Main energiser hit!
Engage auxiliary power!
Prepare to return fire!
Shields collapsing, Captain!
- Fire all phasers!
- No power to the weapons, Captain.
Captain, it's no use!
We're dead in space!
Activate escape pods! Send out
the Log Buoy. All hands abandon ship.
All right. Open her up.
- Any suggestions, Admiral?
- Prayer, Mr Saavik.
The Klingons don't take prisoners.
Motors on!
Trainees...to the briefing room.
Maintenance Crew,
report to Bridge Simulator.
Maintenance Crew,
report to Bridge Simulator.
- Physician, heal thyself.
- Is that all you've got to say?
- What about my performance?
- I'm not a drama critic.
Are you gonna stay
with the sinking ship?
- Permission to speak candidly, sir?
- Granted.
I don't believe this was
a fair test of my command abilities.
There was no way to win.
Every commander may face
a no-win situation.
- Has that never occurred to you?
- No, sir. It has not.
How we deal with death is at least
as important as how we deal with life.
As I indicated, that thought
had not occurred to me.