Get it back before you turn
into part of this collection.
Before you really do grow old.
Starship Log. Stardate 8130.4.
Log Entry by
First Officer Pavel Chekov.
Starship Reliant on orbital
approach to Ceti Alpha Six,
in connection with Project Genesis.
We keep searching for a lifeless
planet, to satisfy the requirements
of a test site for the Genesis
Experiment. So far, no success.
Standard orbit, please. Mr Beach,
any change in the surface scan?
Negative. Limited atmosphere
dominated by craylon gas, sand,
high velocity winds.
Incapable of supporting lifeforms.
Does it have to be
completely lifeless?
You've found something?
We've picked up a minor energy flux
reading on one dyno scanner.
Damn. Are you sure? Maybe
the scanner's out of adjustment.
I suppose it could be a particle
of pre-animate matter,
caught in the matrix.
All right.
Get on the Comm-pic to Dr Marcus.
Maybe it's something we can transplant?
You know what she'll say.
Now, let me get this straight.
Something you can transplant?
Something you can transplant?
I don't know.
It may only be a particle
of pre-animate matter.
Then again, it may not.
You boys have to be clear on this.
There can't be so much as a microbe,
or the show's off!
Have a look. But if it is
something that can be moved...
You bet, Doctor. We're on our way.