But you...
I never forget a face.
Isn't it?
I'd never thought
to see your face again.
- Chekov, who is this man?
- A criminal, Captain.
A product of late 20th century
genetic engineering.
- What do you want? Sir, I demand...
- You are in a position
to demand nothing, sir.
l, on the other hand,
am in a position to grant...nothing.
What you see is all that remains
of the ship's company and crew
of the Botany Bay...
..marooned here 15 years ago
by Captain James T. Kirk.
- Listen! You men and women...
- Captain! Captain...
Save your strength.
These people have sworn
to live and die at my command
200 years before you were born.
Do you mean...
he never told you the tale?
To amuse your captain? No?
Never told how the Enterprise picked
up the Botany Bay, lost in space,
in the year 1996, myself and the
ship's company in cryogenic freeze?
- I've never even met Admiral Kirk.
- Admiral?
Never told you how... Admiral Kirk
sent 70 of us into exile
on this barren sand heap,
with only the contents
of these cargo bays to sustain us?
You lie! On Ceti Alpha Five
there was life!
- A fair chance!
- This is Ceta Alpha Five!