Mr Scott, are your cadets capable
of handling a minor training cruise?
- Give the word, Admiral!
- Mr Scott, the word is given.
Admiral, what about
the rest of the inspection?
This is Starfleet Operations.
Enterprise is cleared for departure.
Admiral on the bridge.
Very well, Mr Saavik.
You may clear all moorings.
- All moorings are clear, Captain.
- Thank you.
Lieutenant? Have you ever piloted
a Starship out of spacedock?
Never, sir.
Take her out, Mr Saavik.
Aye, sir.
For everything there is a first time,
Lieutenant. Don't you agree, Admiral?
- Aft thrusters, Mr Sulu.
- Aft thrusters.
- Would you like a tranquilliser?
- Ahead one quarter impulse power.