I told Starfleet Command all we had
was a boatload of children.
But...we're the only ship
in the quadrant.
These cadets of yours, how will they
respond under real pressure?
As with all living things,
each according to his gifts.
Of course, this ship is yours.
No, that won't be necessary.
Just get me to Regula One.
As a teacher on a training mission,
I'm happy to command the Enterprise.
If we are to go on actual duty,
the senior officer must assume command.
It may be nothing.
Garbled communications.
You take the ship.
You proceed from a false assumption.
I'm a Vulcan.
I have no ego to bruise.
You remind me that logic
dictates your actions?
I would not remind you
of that which you know so well.
If I may be so bold, it was a mistake
for you to accept promotion.
Commanding a Starship
is your first, best destiny.
Anything else is a waste of material.
I would not presume to debate you.
That is wise.
In any case...were I to invoke logic,
logic clearly dictates
that the needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few.
Or the one.
You're my superior officer.
You are also my friend.
I have been
and always shall be yours.
Stop energisers. Prepare speakers.
An emergency situation has arisen.
By order of Starfleet Command,