I see your point.
Stand by to receive our transmission.
Mr Sulu, lock phasers on target
and await my command.
Time's up...Admiral.
Here it comes.
Now, Mr Spock.
Sir! Our shields are dropping!
Raise them!
I can't!
Where's the override?!
Fire! Fire!
- We can't fire!
- Why can't you?
They've damaged the photon control
and the Warp Drive. We must withdraw.
- No! No!
- Sir, we must!
The Enterprise can wait!
She's not going anywhere!
- Sir, you did it!
- I did nothing!
Except get caught with my breeches
down. I must be getting senile.
Mr Saavik? You go right on
quoting regulations!
In the meantime, let's find out
how badly we've been hurt.