- Is the word given, Admiral?
- The word is given.
Warp Speed.
He stayed at his post...
when the trainees ran!
- Admiral? This is Spock.
- Yes, Spock?
Engine Room reports
auxiliary power restored.
We can proceed at impulse power.
Best speed to Regula One. Kirk out.
I'm sorry, Scotty.
Approaching Regula
and Space Lab Regula One.
Space Station Regula One, this is
the Starship Enterprise. Come in.
Space Station Regula One,
do you read?
Space Station Regula One, this is
Enterprise. Please acknowledge.
This is Enterprise.
Do you read me?
Space Station Regula One,
do you read? Please come in.
There's no response, sir.
Sensors, Captain?
Still inoperative. There's no way
to ascertain what's inside the station.
No way of telling
if Reliant is still in the area.
What do you make
of that planetoid beyond?
Regula is class 'D'. It consists
of various unremarkable ores.
Essentially a great rock in space.