Porter Albaretto speaking?
Oh Mr. Neal, everything ok?
Well there is a switch
I'll come up and show you.
Daddy, 5000? - What?
5000 Lire?
Go to 22 and turn on
his hot water.
The switch is either in the
Bathroom closet or under the
kitchen sideboard. 5000?
Hmmm. Uhm.. - Thank you!
Hi I am Maria.
Oh Hi! - You had a deeper
voice on the phone!
That was my father. Is it ok
to go into the bathroom?
Oh, I don't think it's over
No, no it's around there,
that's fine.
Ah, there it is. - Mhhh.
I guess the switch must be
in the kitchen! - Oh!
Oh you wrote Out of Dawn?
It was terrific.
You read it, hu?
Oh, it was good.
Look right here.
Oh yes, I see! Mhh.
The bookstore at the corner
has a window.