Oh. Oh. Oh, I love you.
I love you. Love love love love love love love love love.
Oh, what have I done?
Always, always.
Faithfulness beyond any man's deserving.
I will keep the color in your eyes when no other in the world
remembers your name.
There is no immortality but a tree's love.
Oh, no, I'm engaged to a Douglas fir. Help, unicorn, where are you?!
Ooh, galls and fireblight! She shall never have you, the hussy! We
will perish together!
Did you see me? Were you watching, did - did you see what I made?
Yes. It was true magic.
Yeah. It's gone now, but I-I had it. It had me, but it's gone. I-I
couldn't hold it.
Leaving us so early, magician?
No. Can it truly be?
Where have you been? Where have you been?
Damn you, where have you been?!
Don't you talk to her that way!
I am here now.
Oh? And where were you twenty years ago, ten years ago?